Parker Dumpsters

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A dumpster is delivered to your location and placed exactly where you want it. You fill it up with your trash or junk and we’ll haul it away.

We offer FREE quotes and you only pay what you are quoted based on the size of the dumpster and the fees to dump the trash.

We cannot accept hazardous materials, tires, paint, oil, chemicals, batteries, electronics or appliances that contain freon (refrigerators, freezers, AC units, etc.)

The dumpster cannot be filled above the top and should be loaded evenly throughout the container. By law we are required to tarp each dumpster prior to transport. Any materials that exceed the top of the container must be removed prior to pick up.

Most cities and HOA communities will not allow dumpsters to be placed in the street without a permit. Customers must check with local municipalities or HOA’s for regulations and determine if a permit is required.

The weight limit will vary by dumpster size, but we do not accept heavy debris such as sod, dirt, bricks, rock, concrete, asphalt, gravel, plaster or other heavy building materials.
